Let us begin with an understand of ‘What is Menstruation?’ Menstruation is aflow of blood from the lining of the uterus occurring about once a month in female from puberty until the late forties or fifties. Now let us see some of the facts related to the process of menstruation.
There is difference in the colour, amount, consistency and odour of the menstrual blood over the course of their period.
Menstrual blood contains red blood cells, the cells shed from the endometrium, cervical mucus and vaginal cells.
The average woman loses about 60 to 75 ml of blood at each period.
And what are some of the beliefs related to Menstruation:
 Menstruation is necessary for feminity.
Menstruation is dirty.
Menstruation is a sickness.
Washing hair should be avoided during menstruation.
Cooking should be avoided during menstruation.
Bathing should be avoided during menstruation.
Visits to friends should be avoided be during menstruation.
Do any of these make sense to an educated woman like you Should intercourse be avoided during menstruation? And what do women feel during their cycle? Well, some women feel sexier mid-cycle while others are most interested in sex earlier or later in their cycle. Keeping these facts in mind, it is proved that sexual activity during a period is not harmĂul or dangerous. Again some men don’t mind watching a red penis, while there are others who don’t want such a mess.
One thing is important, the consent of the female partner, if you have her consent, then sex can be enjoyed. A simple way of having sex during intercourse is for the woman to wear a diaphragm and spread a towel underneath her buttocks. And if you wish to have sex without it, so be it. Don’t forget to take a shower together after it. It could be a good after-play. Alternatively, the husband can wear a condom, if he doesn’t want a blood-stained penis. And now for a revealing fact. An orgasm can actually relieve some of the discomfort women feel while they are having a period by reducing the feeling of pelvic fullness and cramping.
Hence, the belief that sex during menses is unsafe, is a MYTH