Pregant Women

Sex can’t be enjoyed during pregnancy

2 minutes read

There are various opinions about enjoying sex during pregnancy. Some say it should be avoided completely during the course of the pregnancy, some say it is fine to have it sometimes. Where lies the correct answer? pregnancy has no effect on sexual feelings or function. For some women, pregnancy is a time of increased sexual awareness and sexual pleasure. In some women, no changes are noticed. In some women, sexual feelings are reduced. Some couples find the bulging belly awkward and are worried about the baby, so they abstain from sex.

Women show different patterns of sexual behaviour during the different trimesters of pregnancy Women with morning sickness and high levels of fatigue lose interest in sex, but some become more interested in it. In the second trimester majority of women feel highly sexual. In the last trimester most don’t want sex.

First of all sex is not just intercourse. During pregnancy you could indulge in oral sex, sensual massage and mutual masteurbation. These activities help to keep the intimacy between the couple alive. Sex can be enjoyed during pregnancy provided certain guidelines are followed as laid down by your gynecologist:

  • Women with a history of previous miscarriages should abstain from any type of sexual activity, since contractions of the uterus could be risky.
  • If there is a vaginal or uterine  bleeding during pregnancy, sex should be avoided.
  • If you perform oral sex on your wife, make sure that you don’t blow air into her vagina. It may cause air embolism (air bubbles in the bloodstream).
  • If the woman has a history of Placenta Previa then sex should be avoided.

If you wish to have sex with your partner, have sex in positions where the man’s weight is off the abdomen. And don’t worry, the fetus is well protected by the amniotic fluid and membranes and the cervix is sealed with a mucous plug to prevent infection and it also prevents your penis from touching the fetus’s head. (The best position to have sex during pregnancy are woman on top or the woman lying on her side).

So, believing that sex can't be enjoyed during pregnancy is MYTH.
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