Vagina Clean

Regular douching is necesary to keep the vagina clean

2 minutes read

A douche is a rubber pouch with a tube at one end. The pouch is filled with the cleaning fluid and the tube is inserted into the vagina. The pouch is then squeezed so that the fluid squirts out of the tube into the vagina. Let’s do some further study. The very idea of using a douche implies that there’s something unclean about the vagina. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. A regular bath is enough to keep the vagina clean. Do you need to clean your vagina if there is a presence of foul odour from it? No, it could indicate an infection and need a medical examination.

  • Frequent douching can destroy beneficial bacteria in the vagina which sometimes leads to an overgrowth of microorganisms that cause vaginal infections.
  • Frequent douching is a risk factor for pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Frequent douching also reduces the acidity of the vagina which can make a women more prone to vaginal infections.
  • Douching may hide the presence of a serious infection such as gonorrhea and thus delay the start of medication.
  • Douching can’t be used as a method of contraception.

So, when can a woman perform douching? A woman should perform douching only when recommended by a doctor.

So the statement, 'Regular douching is necessary to keep the vagina clean', is a MYTH.

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