
Period problem, blood group incompatibility, semen leakage from vagina & heredity, cause infertility

1 minute read

Infertility means a couple has been unable to conceive a child after they have had sexual relations without using any form of contraceptive for a year.

Let us try to see what painful periods or infrequent periods cause. They cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. And what does Blood Group Incompatibility cause? Suppose the mother has RH- blood and her fetus has RH+ blood, she may produce antibodies that could put subsequent RH+ positive babies at risk.

Semen leakage from the vagina happens because the vagina can’t absorb all the semen into its walls; however, thousands of sperm have already moved into the uterus through the cervix. Diseases that can be caused due to heredity are Celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, Down’s syndrome, Hemophilia, Huntington’s chorea, Muscular dystrophy, Phenylketomeria, Sickle all Anemia and Tay-Sachs disease.

Male infertility is caused by hormonal problems, anatomical problems of the penis or the testis, man,s ability to ejaculate, & immunological problems.

In cases of Infertility, the problem could lie with the husband, the wife or both. Identifying the cause can generally solve the problem.

So, thinking that period problems, blood group incompatibility, semen leakage from vagina and heredity cause Infertility, is a MYTH.

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