
Menopause is the end of a woman’s sex life

2 minutes read

Menopause is the period during which menstruation gradually stops, usually happening in the late forties. What are the changes that happen in women during menopause?

  • Gradual loss of the ovary’s functional capacity.
  • Deprived of estrogen, the genital organs begin to atrophy.
  • The vagina shrinks in length and loses its elasticity.
  • The mucus starts to look pale and thin.
  • The labia majora and the labia minora get thinner and lose their elasticity.
  • The vagina and the labia feel dry and itchy and penetration by the penis become painful.

Does it mean that you should put a full stop to your sex life?   Definitely not

  1. Sex is for people of all ages.
  2. Your sexuality is a part of your personality so, don’t give it up.
  3. If you feel less interested in sex, analyse your feelings, activities, anxieties, fears, depression and lack of imagination.
  4. Make sex more relaxed, with more emphasis on hugging and stroking.
  5. Use an estrogen or testosterone cream for lubricating the vagina under the guidance of your doctor.
  6. Remove from your mind negative things like intolerance, taboos, and enjoy your sex life to the full.
  7. Spend a lot of time in foreplay.
  8. A women who has regular sex, benefits from the action of the estrogens in the male sperm.
  9. Create sexuality in your relationship. Be playful and innocent. Enjoy touch massage and cuddling. You don’t have to reach an orgasm.
  10. Practice your PC muscle exercise, it will bring more blood flow to your pelvic floor area, keep you toned, and actually help to build your sexual energy along with asexual desire.
  11. Attend a tantra workshop with your partner.
  12. Take up yoga and meditation. It will help you to respond better to the sexual stimulus you get.
  13. Use lubrication if needed.


So, thinking that menopause is the end of a woman’s sex life, is a MYTH.

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