Cause of Death of Bill Wilton

2 minutes read

Bill Walton, the Hall of Fame basketball player and beloved broadcaster, passed away on Monday at the age of 71. The NBA announced his death on behalf of his family, revealing...

Sex During Menses is Unsafe

2 minutes read

Let us begin with an understand  of ‘What is Menstruation?’ Menstruation is aflow of blood from the lining of the uterus occurring about once a month in female from puberty until...

Menopause is the end of a woman’s sex life

2 minutes read

Menopause is the period during which menstruation gradually stops, usually happening in the late forties. What are the changes that happen in women during menopause? Gradual loss of the ovary’s functional...

Sex can’t be enjoyed during pregnancy

2 minutes read

There are various opinions about enjoying sex during pregnancy. Some say it should be avoided completely during the course of the pregnancy, some say it is fine to have it sometimes....