
A Man Can always ‘will’ an Erection

2 minutes read

Pornographic films or sexually graphic novels or erotic stories would want us to believe that a man has to only desire an erection and he can get it. Is it true? Let’s see how an erection in the male penis takes place.

An erection starts with mental stimulation(imagination, a fantasy) or physical sensations (touching, masturbation) or both at the same time, which then activates the brain.

  • Brain and local nerve impulses cause the muscles of the corpora cavernosa (a part of the penis) to relax thus allowing blood to flow in and fill up its spaces.
  • It causes the penis to expand.
  • The tunica albuginea helps trap the blood inside the corpora cavernosa. This way the erection is maintained.
  • Following ejaculation, the blood flows out of the corpora caverosa and the erection gradually subsides.
  • To penetrate the vagina, the penis needs 500g of force.
  • After the ejaculation, there follows a refractory period during which the man is unable to have another erection – this period is variable for different  men.

Further, the erection mechanism is controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System which comprises the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System. The ANS is outside the control of the will and regulates your internal environment. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nerve causes erection while stimulation of the sympathetic nerves causes ejaculation and subsequent loss of erection.

Now you can probably understand why erection can’t be willed. Don’t be fooled by quacks or pseudo sexologist who want you to believe that erection is totally under our control and can be achieved through tonics or other Ayurvedic preparations.

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