The use of contraceptives makes a woman barren in future
There are various contraceptives for a woman today. They are the pill, the intrauterine device, the cap, the female condom, spermicides, the rhythm method, sterilization, etc. Of these, the pill, IUD, cap and sterilization need medical supervision. Birth control pills prevent pregnancy by blocking the normal cyclic output of FSH and LH hormones by the pituitary, thus preventing ovulation.
In addition, the progestogen makes implantation difficult by inhibiting the development of the lining of the uterus and also thickens the cervical mucus, decreasing the possibility that sperm can get through. IUD works by preventing the implantation of the fertilised egg in the lining of the uterus. The cap is a mechanical barrier that blocks the mouth of the cervix so that sperm cannot enter. The female condom acts as a barrier to prevent sperm from reaching the mouth of the cervix. Spermicides work in two ways, their active chemical ingredients kills sperms, while the material containing these ingredients provides a mechanical barrier that blocks the entrance to the cervix. The rhythm method works by abstaining from sex at certain times of menstrual cycle. All these are temporary methods of contraception and once the woman stops using them, she can conceive again. Sterilization, a permanent form of contraception, can make a woman barren (unable) to conceive in future. Sterilization in males is called Vasectomy. It involves cutting and tying the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testis to the penis. Tubectomy is blocking the egg’s route through the fallopian tube.
There are various causes of sterility in women which have nothing to do with contraception. They are poor diet, anaemia, emotional upsets, frigidity, absence of uterine hypoplasia, uterine malformations, under-active pituitary gland, thyroid disturbances, polycystic ovaries, inflammation of the pelvis, tuberculosis, destruction of the tubes, endometriosis, fibroids, and vaginitis.
Consult your physician if you have any of these problems.
So the statement that the use of contraceptives makes a woman barren in future, is a MYTH.